Welcome to dobrywebdev.pl

This is my first website and a place where I display all of my projects.

If you want to learn more about me, select "About me" tab, and if you are interested in my previous projects, select "Portfolio" tab. In case you liked what you saw here and you have a job for me, go to "Contact" tab - I will answer all of your questions and I hope that you will decide to work with me.

Dobrywebdev.pl was made using Bootstrap, modified jQuery plugin ScrollingNav and Owl Carousel 2.0 keeping all of the standards of HTML5 i CSS3.

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Michał Grochowski

My photo

I'm relatively new to webdeveloping and I'm learning everything by myself from books, online courses and various websites about webdev. I'm trained as a information technology specialist. My interests are mainly new technology, computers, games and motorization, and I hope to make webdeveloping as my job and future career.

In my projects I make use of:







Get in touch with me

Select one of the contact options below - I will get back to you shortly.

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